Hello Sheilas n' Mates! Eating a banana before work, and chillin' for a while.. Have a nice day!
5 Things he wants you to say in bed
For a man, nothing is sexier than a woman who is loud in bed and participates in a little dirty talk. Below are five things your man is dying to hear you mouth off about.
Men want to know that you’re not visualizing someone else when you’re with them or just phoning it in, so although it may seem basic, saying (or screaming out) his name in bed is a good way to ease into dirty talk. Punctuate it with a few “ooohs” and moans and it will be more than enough to get him going.
The Action
If you’re being a tad quiet, many men will take the initiative and let you know what they’d like to hear by peppering you with questions, such as “What am I doing to you?” and “How does that feel?”
In this case, simply describing the mise en scène and how you feel will suffice. However, don’t feel like obligated to use cuss words if it’s not your style. Instead, take a cue from romance novels and utilize under-used verbs like “pulse,” “swell,” and “throb.”
Your Fantasies
Nothing counts when it’s said in between the sheets, so if you’re feeling confident, why not seize the opportunity and tell him all of your craziest fantasies and dreams? If the thought leaves you tongue-tied, try practicing in front of a mirror – especially the particularly naughty parts – until you are able to say them without feeling embarrassed or laughing.
Stock Dirty Phrases
Sometimes just having sex is intimate enough, and the idea of pouring out all of your deepest desires, especially in a new relationship, is too much. However, you don’t want to be mute. For those times, any of the following stock sexy phrases will work:
“Oh, yeah, right there!”
“That feels amazing”
“Don’t stop, harder”
“I want you so bad”
“Give it to me!”
“You animal!”
Get Creative
Men can be just as insecure as women; so sometimes a little vocal encouragement is all that’s needed to let them know that you are enjoying what they’re doing. Sometimes a few soft purrs can be just as effective as a well-rehearsed speech, so don’t be afraid to get creative. Whatever you do to cheerlead them along will make your bedroom romp all the more exciting.
Yesterday Niklas were here and learned med to play a new song on guitar... Our summer song actually. :)
Cajz picked me up from work, we went to åhlens, I didnt find cash, wopps, mama have my card!
Back to my place, coffee, and youtube...
-Brush teeth
-Make a face

Texting before bed.
I'm very sick of working at the little store, where I've been now for 2 days. First of all, theres noone there, second thing is that, there's nothing more to do, I've already done that.
Mike's in Afghanistan, Cajz is at home... doesnt feel pretty well, Lynn is also working, Niklas is wherever he is... I'm all alone. But I'm lucky to have sweet old ladies coming sometimes for chocolateee and they love to stay and talk for a while...
Betty Bop's OK after visiting vet. Operation went well..
See!! Bell's on phone! =) Katsching! Beautiful Dreams...

Sexy Girls.
Shopping is the deal now! New underwear, new clothes, shoes, hair, nails and so on!
(Don't forget www.wetdreams.se)
By yourself a brownie-skin. (I've already started) ;)
What is the prettiest in chest?
B B Time.
Freeeeaking cold outside!!! I took a walk and ate mcdonalds with Micke, who's leaving
to Afghanistan tomorrow. I really hope all good there. http://jalle-bortistan.blogspot.com/
Back to work tomorrow...;/ Sweet dreams!
L, Me and L at "saltsjöbaden".

Sunday stuff!

Before that....

That little sweethead just bought....

Sweet Cajz.


More coffee...

Pimps! Ha ha...

Cajzi style!


Now I've been out with the dogs, while waiting for all my Sunday people Cajz, Mike, and Niklas.
Drinking coffee all by myself right now, thinking of whats next. I would have to go to Stockholm today...but.. no.
Irish Coffee (Friday)

These two must be in love. Every single time she's here they're like
a couple. They are talking baby-language, playing with each other,
sleeping with each other, "kissing" each other... yep, I have a very
social friend named Cajz.

My shadow...

Dooog's on fire!!!!!


Met a cute little friend...

Now my babe came... !!! CIAO!
ConGrat'z Cajz! You are the best!
Holy what a night! Crazy people, pornouuu and alot of dancing and eyes! They called us "Stekareee" ha ha! I wonder how this evening will end?
Cajz, CarolynAh
Friday morning

It's Friday today, what are you going to do?
Gooodnight n' a lot of hugs and pussar!

Lynn & Niklas
Been working for 9 hours today... it was alot of work! And after work Niklas picked me up, and we went to Lynn's place, ate good food and had fun. Missed them...
Here is some pics of my darlings.
This morning.
30 minutes shopping! (I feel like a nerd when I'm sitting here and tellin ya 'bout what I bought, just like everyone else, but like they say, shit the same). GOOOODMORNING!
Åhléns is the shit!
Now I'll take the dogs out.

The result ! The visit took 4 hours...
I Love It!
Zombie CarolynAh
I really hope we come out on road with the car today. Tired of snow right now even though theres alot to take pictures of out there but every morning is a calories-off time.

F*cking bastard
In China the death of both cats and dogs to get rid of fur - in Swedish clothing. Often tormented animals difficult in connection with the rearing and slaughter.
Something important to write down here. I just ask you to do a small thing to enter this website. http://www.animalsaviors.org/petition.html It's terrible how many animals are exposed to this cruelty. Simply visit the website and do something.

I could easily kill the hiding slut!!!!!!!!!!

We saw "It's complicated", it was funny, great actors.
Tomorrow I'm working, just for a few hours, then I'm leaving town, having my hair done and before we leave, I'll have a coffee with Cajz somewhere.
Now I got stuff to do. Later...
No kidding!
Monday I'll hopefully get my hair done. I'll get the colour off, get a new one, and going straight to top! ;)
Now we're going to bed.. Love my Sheila.
Cajz, CarolynAh in Stockholm shopping.

Had a few glasses of wine with cajz att first, Then we moved on to G and Mobergs.
Actually it wasnt that fun as it use to be but still OK.
My new shoes were on! ;)
Cajz, doing her Make up!
Playing and singing a few great songs!
Mami took a pic before we left building. Ready for Party!
Gorgeous Madame!
And today..You see, you can't be without a yammi pizza.
And My hair came! :) You'll see it ON later! We just ordered to Cajz too!
Anyways, we'll see a movie now just lay in bed with some Cheeseballs and coke! Enjoy the evening people!
Miss school
It's Friday! What are you going to do?
I miss school.. take a coffee with everyone, have these terrible speaches, eat lunch in the classroom, talk about nothing... I want to change job also...