Clown .
Just took a bath, like a new human!
I put on my mask and enjoyed my little SPA. ;) It'll be cozy to put myself in bed!

Ha ha, like a clown!
Out Of Sweden.
To make my life an adventure I have to travel. There was a girl the other day who wanted to start working. I read her CV and saw that she has been out of sweden, and done much fun stuff I have not had the time or afford for before. Now it's my turn! I'll invite some funny one! Caaajz, are you reading? ;)

Playa Del Ingles. This place I visited when I was 6 years old.
Today I've met evil people.... GOSH sometimes wish I could yell back!
I am in a bad mood right now and can not stand to talk to anyone.
Tomorrow my sister and I will go to a party again in Stockholm. :) I'll try to figure out what to wear. Help?

hair, hair, hair!
It's the same hair I had before, and I think its great.

Today I worked all day, and my hip has been difficult, it has been since I started the Thai-boxing.
Today Cajz came in to work and had a happy smile on the face, so then I knew that she had passed her driving test. She is so good and I am so proud of her!
Now I'll write clearly an interview I had in October with a leader. Then I'll take a shower and put me in front of the TV.
Hope everyone had a good day!

How old are you?
What is a Crush?
Most teenagers begin their romantic lives with a series of crushes. Crushes are sort of easy entry-ways into the world of strong emotions and relationships, without having much of the scary risk involved in really dating someone. People have crushes on their teachers, on actors, on band members, on scout leaders or pastors. Sometimes people have crushes on fellow students, but usually it's on a student that is several grades older.
A crush involves admiring someone from a safe distance. You feel a hugely powerful emotion, stronger than anything you've felt before. You obsess over this person. You would die for them. You think about them constantly. You are thrilled when you are near them and miserable when you are away from them. You desperately want to tell the person how you feel - but are frightened of it at the same time.
If you're involved in a crush - enjoy it! We have ALL had crushes over the years and they're something you look back on with great fondness. Look at what makes your crush special. Those qualities that you admire in your crush are qualities that are very special to you, and it's very important to learn what those are. It helps you when you look for a real boyfriend or girlfriend to date, to know what you are drawn to.
Also, learn how to handle your feelings. Most of what a crush is about is learning that you get POWERFUL emotions in relationships - and that you need to deal with them. Just like you learned in earlier years how to deal with strong anger and strong sadness, you're now learning how to deal with strong feelings of attraction. You're learning that it's a nice feeling - but that it's a painful feeling if you let it take over your life. You need to be able to balance those feelings with the rest of what is going on in your world.
As hard as it might seem right now, your feelings for your crush will even out over time. It usually takes a few weeks to a few months, but you will learn to bring them under control. And as you learn more about life, you will find someone that is your own age, and actually someone you can *date* to start to become interested in. When that's the case, you can work to be their friend, and then their best friend. And it's at that point that your interests change from a crush to a real, meaningful relationship.
PARTY ALL NIGHT LONG!!! We've been drinking whole night, first we were at "G", then we moved on to "trädgården". later "Mobergs". It was a great evening! We met cool guys and had alot of alcohol! After Mobergs we went to a party at friends house, we came home 8 a.m went to bed, woke up 12. I had a few glasses of water the last hours so I feel great today!
We recognized we didnt have cigarettes so we took a cab to market, Cajz's having a bad hangover! HA!!! I told her! ;)

* Shower
* Make up
* Wine
* "G"
Have a great Saturday night!!
22 J

Hey Sheilas and Mates!!! zzzup?
Today I went to Stockholm with Christian and paid my passport. Then I went to täby c, and bought me a pair of shoes. They are fantastic! -Too bad its impossible to shop with boys, they are in such a hurry.

I also bought 5 shirts and 2 pair tights.

After täby, I went home to my oldest sister and visited her newborn son, Walter.

Arrived .
Just came home from work, and I also bought some food. Now I'm going to see a movie with my family and Christian. First I need a shower.... Tjingeling!

Youre name... I'm just bored.
C - Youre wild and crazy
A - Youre a hottie
R - You are beautful and sexy
O - You love foreplay
L - You always make other people smile when you smile
Y - You make every experience great
N - Your sex is unforgetable
(What does your name mean? )
B : You are always fun when it comes to meeting new people
C : youre wild and crazy
D : You have trouble trusting people
E : You are popular with all types of people
F : People totally adore you
G : You are very friendly and undestanding
H : You have very good personality and looks
I : Love is something you deeply believe in
J : Everyone loves you
K : You like to try new things
L : You always make other people smile when you smile
M : Success comes easily to you
N : your sex is unforgetable
O : You love foreplay
P : You are very friendly and understanding
Q : You are a hypocrite
R : You are beautiful, and sexy
S : People think you are so sexy
T : You are one of the best in bed
U : You are really chill
V : You are not judgemental
W : You are very broad minded
X : You never let people tell you what to do
Y : you make every experience great
Z : You're Super cool
After work
I also went to a little store named "zoo", found the most perfect things for my dog ever! So the girl whos working there promised to order those cool things :) You'll see....
Take Care, CarolynAh

Just woke up... and the time is very early, couldnt fall asleep again. Time for some work.
Take care, CarolynAh

18th, sports gala.
Yesterday we came to "globen", was met by a glass of champagne, and then it was dinner with several glasses of wine. There were troubadours, and much entertainment.

Louise, Birgitta, Linda and Sari.

My sister, Sari.

Some pictures from dinner...
Our room was pretty bad, considering that it could not go to the bathroom without people looking. It was a glass wall there.

Finally the big gala, didnt get a good picture, and I didnt have time to fix it either... I had my eyes on Carl Philip and Martin Stenmark. ;)

Me and Siz are picking and packing clothes, very stressed, yep, thats why I'm sitting here...
Hope you'll have a beautiful Monday.
Later, CarolynAh

Hurts everywhere..... Can someone give me massage?!
I fell down the stairs and hit my head pretty well. I've just tried to sleep away the pain today.
Tomorrow we are going to the sports gala. We'll see if we get any hotel or if we should take a taxi home!


Before shooting... It was fun, but we didnt have time to do everything I wanted to.